
Paul Hartshorn

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for
South Leicestershire

Hi, I’m Paul Hartshorn and I’m campaigning
to be your next MP in South Leicestershire

Born in South Leicestershire Paul has lived in the constituency most of his adult life having grown up in Wigston. He attended local schools and then De Montfort university, where he studied business and finance. Starting a Business Consultancy in 2009 he has built a successful business that is based in Blaby and employs staff across the UK.

In 2019 he was elected to Blaby District Council representing the Blaby ward.

Paul believes the Conservatives have taken South Leicestershire for granted for decades and that their complacency is doing real damage to our communities.

Prior to the next General Election Paul will be campaigning for:



Paul Hartshorn is leading the strongest ever challenge to the Conservatives in the South Leicestershire constituency. Recent council elections confirm the dramatic growth in support for the Liberal Democrats in South Leicestershire with Conservative candidates only polling 3838 more votes than the Liberal Democrats.
Paul Hartshorn joined the Lib Dems in 2019 and was invited to be a council candidate that year. Combining the Lib Dem tradition of all year round service and action, with his own blend of determination and ferocious hard work, he gained a Council seat in Blaby that had been held by the Conservatives for 12 years . Over the last four years he has built a reputation as a hard working councillor and was comfortably re-elected recently.
“One of the things that attracted me to the Lib Dems was their ethos of hard work, listening to people and transforming nice words into meaningful action. It chimes with my business experience and it is how I would approach being an MP. I would champion the needs of South Leicestershire knowing I could count on the support of my party “ says Paul.
“My business background also convinces me that if an organisation keeps making bad decisions the decision making process needs to change. We urgently need to change our system of government.”

Only Liberal Democrats can beat the conservatives

Elections in our area are a clear choice between your hard-working local Lib Dem team and the Conservatives.

The local elections in South Leicestershire prove that only the Liberal Democrats can beat the Conservatives here.

In the recent district elections, Labour and the Greens were not even close.

Cost of living crises

I back the Lib Dem plan to tax multi-national oil and gas companies properly on their massive profits, and to establish closer links to Europe to boost economic growth and reduce prices.


Top of the Lib Dem plan is the need for more GPs . Paul is actively campaigning for more GPs in different parts of South Leicestershire.

A fair deal for tax payers.

The Conservatives have increased our taxes, meanwhile Leicestershire has the lowest level of funding for our schools,  social services and Police. Conservative MPs have tried to change this and FAILED

Our Fair Deal

In very tough times, the British people have shown remarkable decency and strength. Everywhere across our great United Kingdom, people from all backgrounds and all walks of life are working hard, raising families, helping others and playing by the rules – but finding it harder and harder to make ends meet.

Now more than ever, people deserve a fair deal.

More and more people are turning to the Liberal Democrats to put an end to this terrible Conservative Government. They know that every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to elect a strong local champion like me who will fight for a fair deal for you and your community. READ MORE HERE

its time for change

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